You are not registered

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Can’t ask questions or answer polls

Are you having trouble asking questions or answering polls and seeing a grey...

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Supported browsers for the broadcast

To follow the broadcast without issues, we recommend using one of the following...

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I Hear an Echo

An echo can occur if the broadcast is opened several times. Check if...

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You are not registered

Are you receiving the message “You are not registered” when logging in? This can have several causes. Check the following points to determine what might be going wrong:

  • Are you early?
    It is possible that you are trying to log in before your registration has been fully processed. Participant registration details are usually updated up to one hour before the start of the broadcast. Try again closer to the start of the broadcast.
  • Are you using the correct email address?
    Check if you are logging in with the email address you used to register for the broadcast. Often, notifications are triggered by using a different email address than the one provided during registration.
  • Are you not registered?
    If you are sure you are using the correct email address and still receiving the notification, it is possible that you are not registered for the broadcast. In that case, contact the webinar organizers or Webinary to verify your registration and receive further assistance.

We recommend reviewing these points before taking further steps.

Would you rather get in touch with the team as soon as possible?